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Abel Bonfield c.1768
Edward Charles Brownsea Bonfield c.1870
George Serrell Bonfield c.1782
Joseph Bonfield
Eric Bowlas c.1949
Ilene Ann Bundick c.1947
Ann Burden
Maily Paul David c.1933
Olive Emmons
Daniel Gorton
Sarah Grainge
Mark A. Harvey c.1961
Frank Haw
Leonard Charles Jackson c.1907
Ellen E. Jones
Samuel Kelley c.1826
Donald E. Kidd c.1956
John Morrison c.1735
Phoebe Reed
John Benoist Russell c.1896
Robert N. Sawyer c.1839
William Wallace Stearns
Timothy Stephenson
Francis Foster Swale c.1830
Frederick C. Swale c.1872
James Carter Swale c.1884
Richard Swale c.1756
Alan F. Swales c.1932
Alfred Easterby Swales c.1868
Alfred Swales c.1843
Alfred Swales c.1857
Andrew Swales c.1900
Annie Hutchinson Swales c.1882
Arthur Swales c.1883
Bartholomew Swales c.1766
Basil Edward Swales c.1897
Benjamin Swales c.1820
Carl John Swales c.1898
Charles Herbert Sanderson Swales c.1881
Charles Swales c.1839
Christopher Easterby Swales
Daniel George Burnison Swales c.1983
David Elmer Swales c.1842
Edward Easterby Swales c.1792
Edward Swales c.1824
Ernest Paul Swales c.1920
Ernest Swales c.1873
Fred Swales c.1874
George Swales c.1784
George Swales c.1863
George Thomas Swales c.1870
Henry Swales c.1770
Henry Swales c.1809
Henry Swales c.1840
Herbert Swales c.1878
Isaac J. Swales c.1819
James Robert Swales c.1876
James Swales c.1842
Job Horton Swales c.1855
John Joseph Swales c.1891
John Mills Swales
John Richard Swales c.1888
John Swales c.1727
John Swales c.1768
John Swales c.1774
John Swales c.1791
John Swales c.1856
John Thomas Swales c.1855
John Thomas Swales c.1864
John William Swales c.1920
Joseph Swales c.1787
Luke Gallon Swales c.1836
Maurice William Swales c.1906
Palmer Harry Swales c.1926
Peter Swales c.1816
Raymond Swales c.1927
Richard Swales c.1807
Robert Swales c.1660
Robert Swales c.1769
Ross Leo Swales c.1937
Samuel Broadbent Swales c.1843
Samuel Swales Jr. c.1842
Snowden Swales c.1751
Thomas Blain Swales c.1988
Thomas G. Swales c.1836
Thomas Swales c.1794
Thomas Swales c.1797
Thomas Swales c.1834
Walter Daniel Swales c.1945
William Francis Swales c.1869
William George Swales c.1897
William Henry Leadman Swales c.1860
William Henry Swales c.1879
William K. Swales c.1833
William Swales c.1665
William Swales c.1767
William Swales c.1770
William Swales c.1787
William Swales c.1808
William Swales c.1834
William Swales c.1838
William Swales c.1919
William Thomas Swales Jr. c.1859
George Tate Jr. c.1715
Henry Hope Tyers c.1904
Wheaton West
Sarah Albina Whitney
Robert Wilson c.1818
Herbert Wright
Paul Wright c.22
Theodora Rachel Zachariou c.1969
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Bauguess, Theodora Rachel Zachariou c.1969
Bonfield, Abel c.1768
Bonfield, Edward Charles Brownsea c.1870
Bonfield, George Serrell c.1782
Bonfield, Joseph
Bowlas, Eric c.1949
Bundick, Ilene Ann c.1947
Burden, Ann
David, Maily Paul c.1933
Emmons, Olive
Gorton, Daniel
Grainge, Sarah
Harvey, Mark A. c.1961
Haw, Frank
Helm, Annie Hutchinson Swales c.1882
Jackson, Leonard Charles c.1907
Jones, Ellen E.
Kelley, Samuel c.1826
Kidd, Donald E. c.1956
Morrison, John c.1735
Phillips, Ann Burden
Reed, Phoebe
Rempp, Theodora Rachel Zachariou c.1969
Russel, Sarah Grainge
Russell, John Benoist c.1896
Sawyer, Robert N. c.1839
Stearns, William Wallace
Stephenson, Timothy
Swailes, Henry Swales c.1840
Swale, Francis Foster c.1830
Swale, Frederick C. c.1872
Swale, James Carter c.1884
Swale, Richard c.1756
Swales, Alan F. c.1932
Swales, Alfred Easterby c.1868
Swales, Alfred c.1843
Swales, Alfred c.1857
Swales, Andrew c.1900
Swales, Annie Hutchinson c.1882
Swales, Arthur c.1883
Swales, Bartholomew c.1766
Swales, Basil Edward c.1897
Swales, Benjamin c.1820
Swales, Carl John c.1898
Swales, Charles Herbert Sanderson c.1881
Swales, Charles c.1839
Swales, Christopher Easterby
Swales, Daniel George Burnison c.1983
Swales, David Elmer c.1842
Swales, Edward Easterby c.1792
Swales, Edward c.1824
Swales, Ernest Paul c.1920
Swales, Ernest c.1873
Swales, Francis Foster Swale c.1830
Swales, Fred c.1874
Swales, George c.1784
Swales, George c.1863
Swales, George Thomas c.1870
Swales, Henry c.1770
Swales, Henry c.1809
Swales, Henry c.1840
Swales, Herbert c.1878
Swales, Isaac J. c.1819
Swales, James Robert c.1876
Swales, James c.1842
Swales, Job Horton c.1855
Swales, John Joseph c.1891
Swales, John Mills
Swales, John Richard c.1888
Swales, John c.1727
Swales, John c.1768
Swales, John c.1774
Swales, John c.1791
Swales, John c.1856
Swales, John Thomas c.1855
Swales, John Thomas c.1864
Swales, John William c.1920
Swales, Joseph c.1787
Swales, Luke Gallon c.1836
Swales, Maurice William c.1906
Swales, Palmer Harry c.1926
Swales, Peter c.1816
Swales, Raymond c.1927
Swales, Richard c.1807
Swales, Robert c.1660
Swales, Robert c.1769
Swales, Ross Leo c.1937
Swales, Samuel Broadbent c.1843
Swales, Samuel c.1842
Swales, Snowden c.1751
Swales, Thomas Blain c.1988
Swales, Thomas G. c.1836
Swales, Thomas c.1794
Swales, Thomas c.1797
Swales, Thomas c.1834
Swales, Walter Daniel c.1945
Swales, William Francis c.1869
Swales, William George c.1897
Swales, William Henry Leadman c.1860
Swales, William Henry c.1879
Swales, William K. c.1833
Swales, William c.1665
Swales, William c.1767
Swales, William c.1770
Swales, William c.1787
Swales, William c.1808
Swales, William c.1834
Swales, William c.1838
Swales, William c.1919
Swales, William Thomas c.1859
Tate, George c.1715
Tyers, Henry Hope c.1904
West, Sarah Albina Whitney
West, Wheaton
Whitney, Sarah Albina
Wilson, Robert c.1818
Wright, Ellen E. Jones
Wright, Herbert
Wright, Olive Emmons
Wright, Paul c.22
Wright, Phoebe Reed
Zachariou, Theodora Rachel c.1969
Zachariou-Rempp, Theodora Rachel Zachariou c.1969
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