Family tree for S. W. Swales and J. Zhao [赵 J.] and their child: B. W. Swales There are currently 9493 entries in this tree. Here is a table of 1811 unique surnames from this tree. There are 3524 unique locations mentioned in this tree. There are 35 passenger ships mentioned in this tree. There are 41 countries or regions mentioned in this tree. There are 51 US states mentioned in this tree. There are 456 US counties mentioned in this tree. There are 56 British counties mentioned in this tree. There are 7 Canadian provinces mentioned in this tree. There are 6 Chinese provinces mentioned in this tree. There are 3 Australian states mentioned in this tree. There are 444 burial places mentioned in this tree. There are 2339 references for data found in this tree. Here is a list of 9449 persons with missing information from this tree. |